Home Evenementen Workshop MECRE
Publicatie: 21 oktober 2022

Workshop MECRE

Op 31 oktober en 1 november wordt voor de eerste keer een workshop georganiseerd over de metaalgestuurde cyclus van hernieuwbare energie (MECRE: Metal-enabled Cycle of Renewable Energy). Vanuit Metalot verzorgen Tim Spee en Prof. Philip de Goey een bijdrage. Het voorlopige programma voor de tweedaagse ziet er als volgt uit:

31 oktober 2022

13:00-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:15 Introduction by the organizers

Section I: Overview of metal-enabled cycle of renewable energy

  • Arne Scholtissek (TU Darmstadt) - Global Opportunities and Challenges for Iron as a Recyclable Energy Carrier
  • Tim Spee (Metalot  / TU/e) - Presentation about Metalot
  • Yannik Neumann (TU Darmstadt) - Preliminary Techno-Economic Assessment of Iron as an Energy Carrier
  • 15:15-16:00 Coffee break and poster session - Potential use of metal fuels for space exploration

Section II: Potential use of metal fuels for space exploration 

  • Sebastien Vincent-Bonnieu (European Space Agency) - Combustion of metal powders for generation of heat and electric power in space
  • Evgeny Shafirovich (Univ. of Texas at El Paso)
  • Jan Palecka (McGill Unirveristy) - Speed and propagation limit of discrete flames: experimental and numerical investigation in the scope of the PERWAVES microgravity project

17:00-18:30 Reception/poster session/open discussion

1 november  2022

8:30-9:00 Morning coffee | Experimental studies on iron combustion

Section III: Experimental Studies on iron combustion

  • Tao Li (TU Darmstadt) - Optical diagnostics for single particles and particle groups in laminar flows 
  • Jesse Hemeete (TU/e) - Overview of experimental study at TU/e 
  • Samuel Goroshin (McGill University)- On experimental techniques for studying laminar metal flames in the lab environment with particular emphasis on burners
  • 10:20-10:40 Coffee break/poster session/open discussion

Section IV: Theoretical and Computational studies related to iron combustion

  • Xuesong Bai (Lund Univ.) - Numerical simulation of metal particle combustion
  • Igor Rahinov (The Open University of Israel) - The role of non-equilibrium temperature in flame synthesis of iron-oxide nanoparticles
  • Giel Ramaekers (TU/e) - Overview of numerical study at TU/e
  • Irenaeus Wlokas (Univ. of Duisburg-Essen) - Current state of iron and flame species interaction kinetics

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Section V: Use of other metals as future energy carriers

  • Fabien Halter (ICARE) - Aluminum and magnesium as future zero-carbon energy carrier
  • Zhongshan Li (Lund Univ.) - Optical measurements of single aluminium particles burning in vitiated hot flow
  • Jeffrey Bergthorson (McGill) - Metal-water reactions for on-demand hydrogen production
  • Jean-François Brilhac (UHA LGRE Mulhouse) - Magnesium/air combustion as a new source of clean energy
  • Coffee break/poster session/open discussion

Section VI: Fundamentals and technologies for iron-oxide reduction

  • Laurine Choisez (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH) - Low temperature hydrogen-based reduction of combusted iron powder
  • Isnaldi Souza Filho (Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH) - Fundamentals of the hydrogen plasma reduction of iron ores
  • Giulia Finotello (TU/e) - Overview of research on iron oxide reduction at TU/e
  • Alexey Sepman (RISE) - Morphological changes of iron particles in multiple combustion-regeneration cycles
  • Open discussion and closing

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