Recycling and storage

Energy transition

Energy transition

As a result of the energy transition electricity will become the most important energy carrier. This will have big consequences for the efficiency and safe distribution of electricity to households and the industry. A solution needs to be found to align the fluctuating offer – for example day/night differences and periods with less sun/wind – to a likewise fluctuating demand due to usage peaks.

Energy buffer

This means that an energy buffer has to be created to absorb these differences. This can be done on a largescale, for example nearby wind or sun farms, as well as on a smaller scale with end users. Batteries can be a solution for this short and mid-long-term storage. For long term season fluctuations hydrogen or metal powder as energy carrier could be a potential solution.

Metalot focusses within this theme on two subthemes:

  • Battery recycling
  • Battery for largescale energy storage

Battery recycling

The goal of battery recycling is to give small-scale batteries a second life and eventually win back important and rare metals after usage.

Largescale energy storage

For the storage and net-equalization of energy nearby sun and wind farms. Such as so-called flow-batteries (where storage media is saved in big tanks) or liquid metal batteries (where liquid metals are used as largescale storage media).



The ambition of Metalot is to contribute to the circular usage of batteries and metals and largescale energy storage.

Behind the scenes, we are busy setting up the Iron Power Community website.

A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.

We aim for a launch in march 2025.

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