On June 16th, the Metalot Meet will be centered around the theme of development in the field of hydrogen technologies. Diverse experts will be the guests during this online edition of Metalot Meet. They will talk about their research and experiences in the field of hydrogen technologies.
The program will be as followed:
13.50 |
Digital check-in |
14.00 |
Introduction and highlights of Metalot by Philip de Goey |
14.05 |
Global development of H2 business opportunities by Ad van Wijk, TU Delft |
14.30 |
Alternative configurations in electrolyser technologies by Thijs de Groot, TU/e and Nouryon |
14.50 |
Green, Safe and Compact Hydrogen Storage Technology by Matthias Zeier, GKN Hydrogen |
15.15 |
Support of regional industry in H2 implementation by Geert van Seggelen, Brainport Development |
15.30 |
Metalot H2 community & new business development by Laurens Meijering, Metalot |
Discussion 'What is needed in Noord-Brabant to support industry with H2 projects?' with TU Delft, TU/e – Nouryon, GKN Hydrogen/GKN Hoeganaes, Brainport Development and Metalot |
16.00 |
Closure |
Click here to sign up for the Metalot Meet on June 16th.. After registration you will receive a link to join the online session on June 16th, 2021.
A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.
We aim for a launch in januari 2025.