Join the Iron Power Community!

Accelerate development of innovative technology

Metalot’s approach to accelerate the uptake of innovative technologies:

  • Creating a joint vision and roadmap on metal fuel technologies. 
  • Connecting the value chain from knowledge institutions, governments and business.
  • Developing concrete projects to build prototypes systems in collaboration with consortia (TRL > 4). 
  • Working on market uptake by close collaboration with potential (industrial) end-users.

Become a member of Metalot

Our memberships offer you:

  • Company or knowledge institute name listing on the website
  • Lab and R&D facilities mentioned on website
  • Name and group with expertise mentioned on website
  • News items and LinkedIn posts shared on website
  • Receive newsletters
  • Participation in our inspiring Metalot@Work sessions
  • Active link to students
  • Projects / systems on website
  • Company contributions to knowledge portal (e.g. patents, case studies)
  • Projects / systems on website
  • Contributions to knowledge portal (e.g. patents, case studies)
  • Create connections via joint sessions between researchers, companies, investors, students (teams)
  • Contribute to the roadmap + future vision and projects
  • Contribute to lobby activities
  • Help build the roadmap + future vision and projects
  • Participate in projects coordinated by Metalot

If you would like to be actively informed about the progress of Iron Power technology, please contact us. We would like to get in touch to work together and discuss what the appropriate membership is.

Behind the scenes, we are busy setting up the Iron Power Community website.

A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.

We aim for a launch in march 2025.

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