Home Events Metalot@Work: Open the Iron Power Cycle
Publication: 22 maart 2023

Metalot@Work: Open the Iron Power Cycle

Open the Iron Power cycle: burning iron powder to release high-T heat

Focusing on the combustion technologies to release the energy from iron powder. We discuss the progress of Metalot and its partners with their industrial demonstrator aimed to robustly provide steam in industrial-relevant conditions.

With contributions from the OPZUID Living Lab Metal Power consortium: Metalot, TU/e, EM Group, Heat Power, and Team SOLID.


Information & sign up


14.00    Welcome
14.15    Metalot: vision of Iron Power by Tim Spee (Metalot)
14.45    Experimental research on Iron Power by Jesse Hameete (TU/e)
15.00    Numerical research on Iron Power by Giel Ramaekers (TU/e)
15.15    Iron fuel combustion development by RIFT
15.45    Hydrogen formation by the steam iron process by SOLID
15.50    OP Zuid combustion development by Guy Willems (EM Group), Henk  Ouwerkerk (HeatPower) and Niek van Rooij (TU/e)
16.30    Discussion and closure
16.40    Aftertalk / networkopportunity


Metalot@Work will be recorded. The meeting can be watched back from the end of March; there is no direct livestream. More information will follow as soon as the recording is available.

Behind the scenes, we are busy setting up the Iron Power Community website.

A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.

We aim for a launch in march 2025.

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