Home News Future Energy Lab and Hydrogen field lab opened
Publication: 20 mei 2022

Future Energy Lab and Hydrogen field lab opened

On Thursday 19 May, the official opening of the Metalot Future Energy Lab and the Hydrogen Fieldlab took place in the presence of invited guests. Founders Jan Vlassak and Philip de Goey took those present through the vision and ambition for the coming years. The founding fathers dwelt on the unique value of Metalot. There was also ample opportunity to see the new scaled up Metal Power burner and the Hydrogen Fieldlab. Consortium partners were present and explained the challenges and progress in research projects and the developments in the field of rust, iron powder and hydrogen in the context of circular energy.

Primeur in Metalot Future Energy Lab

In the Future Energy Lab at the Airpark business park in Budel, the further development of initiatives that have outgrown the laboratory phase takes place. The Future Energy Lab has been in operation since mid-2020, but due to corona measures there has not yet been an opportunity to officially mark this new milestone. The physical lab provides facilities for accelerated scale-up of promising energy technologies, such as at Metal Power. During the opening, the new prototype of the Metal Power burner can be seen for the first time. After the test at Bavaria at the end of 202o with the smaller burner, the consortium partners TU/e, SOLID, EM Group and Heat Power worked on an improved and more powerful burner that is in the final testing phase before final endurance tests in an industrial environment in 2023.  A first for invited guests on May 19 to admire.

Hydrogen Fieldlab

The possibility to further develop and test technology prototypes in the Metalot Future Energy Lab has been extended with the so-called Hydrogen Fieldlab. This is a test facility that has been realized to safely and responsibly experiment with hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is an important energy carrier and building block for further sustainability of society. Much research and development is focused on technology for the sustainable production of hydrogen and for the efficient and safe storage and transport of hydrogen, such as in metal powders. The flexibility of the Metalot Hydrogen Fieldlab provides a safe (basic) facility for the development and testing of a wide range of innovative prototypes on a pre-industrial scale. For the Metal Power cycle, the Hydrogen Fieldlab makes it possible to test not only combustion systems but also regeneration systems under one roof at Metalot. One example of this that will be on display is the new reduction reactor developed for rapid and efficient conversion of iron oxide powder to iron powder to demonstrate the circularity of the Metal Power technology.

Behind the scenes, we are busy setting up the Iron Power Community website.

A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.

We aim for a launch in januari 2025.

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