Home News Metalot@Work: June 21th
Publication: 17 mei 2023

Close the Iron Power cycle:reducing iron oxide powder with the use of sustainable H2

On June 21, we will host the second Metalot@Work session of this year. Metalot@Work offers you insights into the potential of iron powder as a circular carrier for storage and transport of renewable energy.


14.00  Check-in: get together with coffee/tea
14.20 Introduction by Raoul Voeten (Metalot)
14.30 Iron reduction routes: scientific challenges and opportunities by Niels Deen (TU/e)
15.00 Reduction of hematite pellets with hydrogen gas heated with a plasma generator by Alexy Sepman (RISE)
15.30 Break (coffee/tea)
15.45 Pometon results and plans on iron-oxide regeneration by Ekaterina Makarova (Pometon/IRON+)
16.15 Producing iron fuel from combusted iron, progress at RIFT by Lex Schepers (RIFT)
16.45 Discussion & closure
16.50 Network & drinks


Free entrance for members

Participate in the mid-day workshop(s) organized by Metalot and partners to translate and concretize the vision into implementation of the strategy and roadmap to the market. By becoming a member of the Metalot community, all Metalot@Work sessions are free of charge. 

Click here to sign up.

Behind the scenes, we are busy setting up the Iron Power Community website.

A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.

We aim for a launch in januari 2025.

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