Home News Metalot@Work: September 13th
Publication: 28 augustus 2023

Creating an Iron Power market:

business cases and early adopting sectors

On September 13, we will host the third Metalot@Work session of this year. Metalot@Work offers insight into the potential of iron powder as a circular carrier for storage and transportation of renewable energy.

Metalot@Work is made possible thanks to:


13.55    Opening by Prof. Philip de Goey (chair of the Metalot Board)
14.00    Iron Power basic powder by Rudy Clayton (Pometon)
14.30    Safe transport of Iron Powder by Ivo Dolk (MIL International)
15.00    Break (coffee/tea)
15.20    Pitch #1: Fenix Energy, Laraqui & Jammot French start-up
15.35    Pitch #2: Iron Power in apartment buildings by Prof. Beijerinck
15.50    Pitch #3: Student Team Shift, team introduction
16.00    Iron Power for district heating by Sander Aukema (Uniper)
16.30    Growthfund & Iron Power by Roland Berger and Bram Albers
17.00    Closure & drinks together

Venue: Future Energy Lab, Randweg Zuid 34, Budel

Free entrance

Participate in the mid-day workshop(s) organized by Metalot and partners to translate and concretize the vision into implementation of the strategy and roadmap to the market. In 2023 all Metalot@Work sessions are free of charge. 


Behind the scenes, we are busy setting up the Iron Power Community website.

A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.

We aim for a launch in januari 2025.

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