source: Technisch Weekblad | photo: Bart van Overbeeke
Philip de Goey (PG) and Tim Spee (TS) from TU/e believe that Iron powder will play an important role in a sustainable energy system. It is safer and more compact than alternatives such as hydrogen and ammonia. De Goey (professor of combustion technology) and Spee (project leader of the Metal Power consortium) foresee the circular fuel as the ideal medium for transporting wind and solar energy from somewhere far away to the Netherlands.
According to the Eindhoven researchers, iron powder will be the cheapest way to supply the Dutch industry with high-temperature heat from 2030 onwards. In places where there is no hydrogen network ("off grid"), iron powder will also become more affordable than large-scale and long-term storage of hydrogen retrieved from Dutch windmills.
Technisch Weekblad published an extensive interview with Philip de Goey and Tim Spee on December 8.
A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.
We aim for a launch in januari 2025.