On Wednesday, May 18, Hans de Kinderen and Richard van der Snoek on behalf of Rabobank Weerterland & Cranendonck and Jan Vlassak and Philip de Goey on behalf of Stichting Metalot confirmed the cooperation of both parties in the field of energy transition, sustainability of energy use and the use of metal powders as circular energy carriers.
Hans de Kinderen: "Energy transition is a spearhead for Rabobank, from an economic and ecological perspective as well as from a social responsibility perspective. By ratifying the collaboration with the Metalot Foundation, we exchange knowledge and expertise and utilise our networks. This is how we make each other better. Deploying our network, the knowledge of Rabo Business Development and our expertise to successfully complete various TRL stages has a strengthening effect on initiatives within Metalot Foundation."
"Metalot acts as a spider in the web between innovative research at knowledge institutions and development and upscaling of sustainable technology with SMEs and industry. Metalot's strength lies in the development of prototypes that can be used in an industrial environment. The substantive knowledge and skills of the collaboration partners are indispensable for this," says Jan Vlassak. Philip de Goey: "In particular Metalot focuses on the Metal Power technology where iron powders are used in a circular manner for large-scale storage and transport of sustainable energy. The research facilities in the Metalot Future Energy Lab (FEL) to develop, test and market technology prototypes make Metalot and its collaborations unique."
Burning iron powder releases a lot of sustainable heat that can be used, for example, for high-temperature steam for industrial processes. It can also serve as an alternative to coal in power plants and as a fuel for trucks and ships. The combustion product is rust powder that is collected and converted back to iron using sustainable energy. This makes the metal powder a sustainable, circular energy carrier, which is eminently suitable for transporting large quantities of energy (worldwide) from places where energy production is cheapest to places where energy is used intensively.
Metalot's vision focuses on developing a network to make an accelerated contribution to the energy transition with innovative technologies such as Metal Power. The collaboration with the Rabobank is an important step in providing the growing ecosystem with the right knowledge.
A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.
We aim for a launch in januari 2025.