Home News Recap Metalot@Work september 25, 2024
Publication: 21 oktober 2024

Recap Metalot@Work: Pilot plant for sustainable heat and electricity in Cranendonck

On Wednesday 25 September, the third Metalot@Work of 2024 took place in the Future Energy Lab of Metalot in Budel. This edition had the largest attendance to date and included a wide audience of academics, technicians, but also potential end users. This had everything to do with the theme; Pilot plant for sustainable heat and electricity in Cranendonck.

The purpose of the session was to show all interested parties at what level the technology is currently finding its application.

Energy as a basic need

After the opening and welcome speech by Prof. Philip de Goey, Chairman of the Board of the Metalot Foundation, the subject was introduced by Raoul Voeten, General Manager of Metalot. His story made it clear how Iron Power fits into the basic needs of society.

Energy demand out of balance

Stijn van Aken, Project Leader Metalot, took over Raoul's story to explain how the energy demand of the Netherlands is divided between heat and electricity and how our energy system is set up for this. The operation of the Iron Power chain as a sustainable energy carrier was then explained and how it fits as a balanced solution in the energy demand.

Feasibility by Deloitte

Earlier this year, the feasibility study developed by Deloitte Impact Foundation was published, which was presented by Alexander Moiseienkov (Deloitte). This made the economic feasibility clear.

Calculation tool and opportunity map

To determine how effective Iron Power is as a possible solution for a government, entrepreneur or investor, for example, ArmanTech has developed the Iron Power Advisor (IPA) tool. Using this tool, a report can be run using a number of factors to calculate the costs per kWh, but also the required specifications of each link in the chain. For example, based on the plans for the future hydrogen network in the Netherlands, it became clear that Cranendonck, among others, is too far away for an economically interesting connection to it, but that Iron Power can offer a good and more affordable solution to solve grid congestion on a local scale.

Ambassador Award

Shortly before the break, Prof. Philip de Goey presented Jacques van Rooij with the Ambassador Award. With his financial contribution, he makes essential research possible, which makes Iron Power fundamentally stronger.

Iron Power in practice

After the break, all participants were invited to view the installations present in the Future Energy Lab and to receive the necessary explanations. The installed burner MP500 from Iron+ was the star of the show, with a small demo burner also on display to show the combustion of iron powder. Under the guidance of Guy Willems (Iron+), Mark van Genderen (Iron+) and Stijn van Aken (Metalot), the questions of the participants were answered and the stories from the previous presentations became tangible.

From left to right: MP500 burner by Iron+ / Steam Iron Reactor One by Team Solid / Iron Power turbine by Heatpower

Integration of Iron Power in our energy network

To conclude this Metalot@Work, we had system integrator SPIE as a guest. Jacco Saaman (Innovation Director SPIE) shared his admiration for technology and installations, but also indicated that he was looking for demand from the market to enter into discussions with system builders in order to build market-suitable solutions in this way and to solve the current problems surrounding energy, including grid congestion.

Want to watch all presentations?

Click here to watch all presentations of this Metalot@Work session.

Curious about the next Metalot@Work?

On Wednesday 4 December 2024 we will organize the next session.
Click here to read more information about the upcoming sessions and register for free!

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