The theme of the online Metalot Meet session in March, was battery (recycling). It started with the chairman of Metalot, Philip de Goey. He shared the developments within Metalot and the Future Energy Lab. The students of Better/e talked about a new way of storing electricity via a liquid metal battery and the social challenge of creating a balance between the supply and demand for electricity.
After, Piet Jan Vet showed the participants the world of (used) batteries, the diversity of compositions and the arising challenges for the industry and recycling. Rutger van Poppel introduced Brainport Development's Battery Competence Center and provided insight into the Dutch battery value chain. Rutger foresees that innovations will only be successful when there is a collaboration. For now, it is important to gain insight into future battery flows and the substantiation of the choices in the next steps of recycling in the Netherlands. Finally, Erik Kelder of TUDelft shared with the audience a new 4TU program in the field of future battery technologies.
Concluding was a discussion with all presenters about the question ``How do we bring all Dutch initiatives in the field of battery technology together? '' It resulted in an inspiring afternoon, the first follow-up appointments are now being made to link the initiatives and bring them together.
The presentations can be viewed via the links on the right:
A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.
We aim for a launch in march 2025.