After the successful realization of the 100 kW combustion system in the first Metal Power project (Lighthouse Metal Power, 2019-2021), the demand arose to optimize and scale up the iron fuel combustion system to semi-industrial level. The OPZuid Living Lab Metal Power project was initiated to realize that and to demonstrate the system for duration testing in an industrial environment. The project also aims to share knowledge and results to attract new partners to develop an ecosystem to further develop and deploy the Metal Power technology.
Within the Living Lab, together with end-users, a 0,5 to 1 MW combustion demonstration system is being developed, evaluated and rolled out to warmth-intensive industries. The project budget contains 3.7 million euros. Next to the development of the demonstration system the project aims to spread knowledge and to rollout the results so new partners are attracted to become a part of the realization of the Living Lab. This way open innovation-ecosystems arise in which partners can develop and embed the Metal Power-technology. Within the ecosystem the development of adjacent projects and implementation processes have the highest priority.
This project is made possible thanks to:
Unsubsidized partners
A central website in which all information about Iron Power, the active parties and the projects is visible. Metalot acts as an independent, non-commercial player in the role of community builder.
We aim for a launch in march 2025.